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Environmentally friendly solutions that limit microbial growth without creating resistance.

Business areas

Redox is a total supplier of solutions for regulating water quality to the fisheries and aquaculture industry. With solid experience as a leading supplier of technology and equipment within fish welfare and biosecurity for well boats, in recent years we have also deliberately invested in solutions for land-based facilities and closed cages. Our solutions ensure optimal conditions for good growth and water quality, in addition to increased biosecurity.

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Happy planet, happy people.
Måten vi lever på i dag er utvilsomt belastende for planeten vi bor på. Selv med økt bevissthet om problemet kommer det høye utslipp fra alle deler av samfunnet – både til land, luft og vann.

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For fishing vessels, it is important to disinfect tanks and pipes between each load. Automatic cleaning systems in combination with ozone disinfection ensure that the catch can be delivered without unwanted microorganisms such as Listeria. We provide both single components and comprehensive solutions for fishing vessels.


We supply both single components and comprehensive solutions customised for your vessel:

• Ozone system for disinfection
• Total Log for monitoring and documenting processes
• Automatic cleaning systems

Our hygiene solutions also have a number of other applications, including:


• Reduction of environmentally harmful discharges to air and water
• In connection with odour removal in the industry
• Wastewater
• Process water
• CIP wash

Agricultural products

We have had good results from tests using ozone as an alternative to chemical treatments on strawberries. We are currently conducting tests washing seed potatoes in ozonated water to remove potato diseases.


Dairy products

Most cheese producers in Norway today use ozone to clean the brine in which the cheeses mature. Our system is built to Norwegian dairy standards, and is designed and customised as needed.


What Redox does

How can we
help you

Innovative solutions for a changing market
– on land and water.


Customer satisfaction
0 %
Well boats
0 +
Years of experience

Ever since its inception in 2004, Redox AS has been concerned with developing new, environmentally friendly technologies to improve fish welfare and biosecurity in the farming industry.

What can we help you with?

We’d love to hear from you!

Do you have any questions about any of our products or services? Feel free to send us an e-mail – or contact one of our talented employees directly!
